
November 6. 2022

  • 2022年11月6日
  • 2022年11月6日
  • 日記

Hey! Goooodmen. I’m Suke.
It really feels like autumn. I like autumn most!

Here’s this week’s pun.

“The one who invented the door knocker got a No-bell prize.”


It is a cross between No-bell and Nobel Prize, where there is no bell on the door.

That’s a good joke.

Now, let’s get to today’s main topic. Do you know why zebras have stripes?

To make it harder for enemies to spot them?
To allow predators to mistake by the speed and size of their escape?

Actually, it’s to keep their bodies cool. The black and white parts of the body heat up differently when exposed to sunlight.

Remember this story?


やぁみんな、GoooodMenのSukeさんだ。 みんなは色をどんどん混ぜていくと何色になるか知っているか? 正解は白 でもあり黒でもある。 今日はそんな色の世界の不思議ははなし。 加法混色と減法混色 […]

The body surface of zebras is subtractive mixed color.
The fact that it looks black means that a lot of light is absorbed. The absorbed energy becomes heat energy and accumulates on the body surface.
On the other hand, if the color appears white, light is reflected so much that no energy is absorbed. In other words, the heat energy stored in the body surface is low.

This creates a temperature difference on the body surface.
When a temperature difference is generated, there is a difference in air density. If the kinetic energy of the molecules is higher, they move through a larger space.
This difference in density creates air movement.
This movement of air becomes wind, which flows over the body surface.

This is how zebras dissipate heat and lower their body temperature.
The relationship between light, color, and air is very interesting.

Well, this is a lie.

Unfortunately, in the sun on the savanna, the temperature difference is not so great that it has a revolutionary effect on heat dissipation.

Anyway, they have stripes. We don’t know why. What I do know is that because they were striped, they have survived to the present day. They have stripes to survive.

Everyone is struggling to survive. So, having been freed from being preyed upon, humans should enjoy living more.

Have a good next week.
See you soon!

SukeのPhoto Portfolioやおすすめ
