Hey! Goooodmen. This is Suke.
I went to Mentaiko Park, a theme park where mentaiko production is observed, mentaiko is sold directly, and there is a playground for children, for two weeks in a row.
I had a mentaiko bowl at the food court, and the volume of mentaiko was so huge! I’m getting gout, man.

This week’s title is about psychology, which was interesting to me as before.
I was reading a psychology book once, and there is an interesting theory called the broken window theory.
It is an environmental criminological theory, developed by American criminologist George Kelling, which states that crime, including violent crime, can be deterred by thoroughly cracking down on even minor crimes.
It was named the broken window theory after the discovery that leaving a house or car with a broken window worsens public safety in the surrounding area.
Rudolph Giuliani, who was elected mayor of New York City in 1994, put the theory into practice with Kelling as his advisor, hoping to change New York, then a crime-ridden city, into a safe place to raise children.
He cracked down on petty crimes such as graffiti and illegal parking, as well as on drunk driving.
And in the five years since he took office, the number of crimes recognized has dropped 67.5% in homicides, 54.2% in robberies, and 27.4% in assaults on women, and public safety has been restored. And the city center has come back to life, and residents and tourists have returned.
The environment makes people. The smallest personal event will eventually have a major effect and transform the masses.
This idea is similar in Le Bon’s crowd psychology, in Buddhist abhidharmic world theory, and in the chaos theory of modern science.
The environment shapes us without our knowing it.
I think we have to be especially careful when raising children.
See you next week!
Have a good time!
Go Croatia in the soccer World Cup!