
November 27. 2022

Hey! Goooodmen, this is Suke.

Are you guys enjoying the World Cup Soccer?
Japan vs. Germany was so exciting! At the end, I sat in front of the screen and watched it with my hands clasped together.

The other star of the match would be Keisuke Honda, the commentator.
His easy-to-understand commentary on the problems and the good points doubled the enjoyment of watching the World Cup.

Although he did not participate in this year’s World Cup, his achievements in winning the World Cup will surely remain in the hearts of many.

He said this on Twitter after the historic victory over Germany.

“The person who shines in everything is in the right place at the right time.”

“I don’t know when the big moment will come. The hardest thing is to believe that the big moment will come and to prepare for it the best you can.”

The only way to prepare for opportunities is to do your best every day.
In other words, how seriously can we live in the present?

This is also introduced as a teaching of Adlerian psychology in “The Courage to Be Disliked,” which I introduced last week.
I will upload the article introducing it next time, so please read it.

One last time, from Keisuke Honda’s Twitter

Don’t start tomorrow. Switch from today.

See you later.
Have a good next week!

Let’s enjoy the rest of the games.

SukeのPhoto Portfolioやおすすめ
