October 2, 2022

Hey! Goooodmen.

It’s already October and getting a little cooler.
Be careful not to catch a cold.

I introduced you to the 4:6 coffee method a while back. Thanks for trying it, guys.

I’ve posted a video of the World Brewers Cup there, and I hope you’ve seen it.

The interesting thing about this competition is that there is a presentation. And the points for that presentation are very high.

The presentation has to have a theme.
You have to think about your own philosophy, the coffee beans you chose, the farmers who made the coffee beans, and the hand-drip method, and how they are linked and how you put them together in your own mind. You need a story to attract the audience.
It’s very interesting.

It’s not just about good coffee, it’s about the barista’s philosophy, his or her own strong feelings.

Oh, maybe this is one of the “process economies”?

Finding your inner conviction and expressing it.
I’m reminded of how important that is in today’s world.

SukeのPhoto Portfolioやおすすめ