Hey GoooodMen.
I’ve been wanting to learan English for years and years without doing anything about it, but I finaly decided to give it a serious push.
However, i don’t have the money or time to go to an English conversation school, so I thought I would write a diary-like entry in English here on the weekends. My English writing skills are really below high school level, so if you guys want to correct me, please do! For now, I’ll just rely in Deeple translation teacher to help me write it down.
Come to think of it, it’s good for me to put something in writing to clear my mind. This time, I looked into Buddhism, hoe it started and its early teaching. I heard that nightstand buddhists are popular in the U.S. these days. They meditate at night while going about their daily lives. If you look at the history of the establishment of Buddhism and the teachings of Buddha, you can understand why this is so popular.
Today I went for a walk in Karasuma, Kyoto. Kyoto is like the center of Buddhism in Japan. I would like to learn more about Buddhism after Shakyamuni so that I can enjoy walking around Kyoto more.
I got to go to that coffee shop I’ve been wanting to go to!
